➤ When applying the spray process, be sure to keep the spray amount of PCB uniform to achieve good welding results. Reduce soldering defects.
➤The service life of soldering flux varies slightly due to process conditions. It is recommended to use compressed air spray that is degreased, dewatered and cooled to extend the service life of the flux. When the flux is not in working condition, it should be kept in a sealed container as much as possible to avoid solvent evaporation. When it is necessary to replace expired flux, the flux container should be thoroughly cleaned before replacing with a new flux.
➤Pre heating after application of flux can maximize the advantages of 803 no clean flux. It is recommended that the preheating temperature should reach 80-90 ℃ on the PCB welding surface after preheating. The recommended operating speed is 1.0-1.5 meters per minute.